Pillow Case Fabric, Design Lab & Pricing Updates!

by Everly Brownproducts
Jul 04, 2019


For those of you who have been working with Art of Where for a while, you are likely very familiar with our two pillow case fabrics, poly-canvas and velveteen. Both fabrics print beautifully, are durable and washable. What could be better? More options of course! We are so excited to bring to you a third fabric choice: a natural cotton-linen blend! It has always been a goal of ours to offer high quality, custom printed natural fabric products and this is the first of what we hope to be many.

Our cotton-linen fabric is a bit lighter weight than the poly-canvas and has some texture.


The cotton-linen pillow cases will have a hidden zipper!



In addition to the new fabric, we are also changing up the pillow case Design Lab. Our pillow case template for the square pillows (18 x 18 & 22 x 22) is presently curved on the sides. We are switching it up, and it will be a true square template going forward. Designs made on the previous template may be affected by the change, as the design area is different. If you are concerned about how your existing designs will look in the new format, we suggest redesigning in the new template.


Another fantastic change, which has been requested frequently, is that you can now design double sided pillows in the Design Lab! Before, you had to design the front, then when ordering, choose either double sided with the same image or choose a solid colour back. Now, you can design the front and back as you'd like. We will continue to offer solid black and white as back options for each pillow case fabric. If you would like a solid colour back in another colour, e.g. purple or burgundy, you will need to upload an image file that meets our design guidelines.

When creating your pillow case in the Design Lab, you must design both back & front in order to save your design. If you plan on only ordering with a black or white back, just choose to mirror or clone the front and save. You can then choose your back option when you go to order the pillow case.


We have updated our pricing to go along with these changes. Please find the drop ship pricing below or visit our pricing page for the full list of pricing.

USD (US & international customers)

Drop Ship Pricing for 18"x 18", 20" x 14", and 24"x 12":

Poly-canvas & velveteen: 18 USD + 2 USD for a custom back

Cotton-linen: 22 USD + 2 USD for a custom back

Drop Ship Pricing for 22"x 22", 26" x 20":

Poly-canvas & velveteen: 22 USD + 2 USD for a custom back

Cotton-linen: 26 USD + 2 USD for a custom back

CAD (Canadian customers)

Drop Ship Pricing for 18"x 18", 20" x 14", and 24"x 12":

Poly-canvas & velveteen: 20 CAD + 3 CAD for custom back

Cotton-linen: 25 CAD + 3 CAD for custom back

Drop Ship Pricing for 22"x 22", 26" x 20":

Poly-canvas & velveteen: 25 CAD + 3 CAD for custom back

Cotton-linen: 30 CAD + 3 CAD for custom back


We are so excited to see all of the amazing designs that will follow this long awaited update! Post your new pillow case designs in the comments below 😊