Fashion Revolution Week

Shout out to customer Anna Lee for letting us know about Fashion Revolution!

Fashion Revolution is a global movement focused on changing the way clothing and fashion accessories are sourced, produced and consumed. The organization was born out of the tradgedy of the Rana Plaza factory collapse on April 24th, 2013, in which 1138 people lost their lives and many more were injured. There is a yearly Fashion Revolution week and this year it is from April 23rd to April 29th.

Fashion Revolution encourages everyone to get involved in changing the fashion industry. Farmers, manufacturers, brands and retailers can be more transparent in showing who they employ and under what conditions, and when that information is not available, consumers can ask "who made my clothes?".

We want to share with you some of the faces of the people who make the products you sell to your clients.

Are you producing too? Share your Fashion Revolution Week pics below!